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I am a liberal hippy.

I am not "with" George "Dubya" Bush therefore I am "against" him; thus I am a liberal hippy.

I believe the American government should keep its nose out of other people's business; thus I am a liberal hippy.

Arfcommer #27: Don't you realize if we leave everyone alone they will all attack us?! Go back to DU, troll!
Arfcommer #42: +87
Arfcommer #87: Come on, guys, let's invade China!

Ah, the (AKA Neo-Con Underground) hive mind... So backward.

Why do you think people hate us so much? (Hint: we tend to police the world without being invited!)

If anyone needs invading, it's Israel. (Gasp! You un-American anti-Semite! I hope you are thrown into Gitmo forthright! Oh, shut up. That's how they get away with this slag. They think they're untouchable because they're "Jewish.") Look at all the good they do us. They blow up our stuff, have spies all over, and have all our phone records, to name a few things. (But World War 2 was all about the Nazis killing Jews! They did nothing but kill Jews! We should cut them some slack! Good grief.)

Onto the subject of the incident on September the 11th of 2001—


Oh, well. All I can do is ignore it and keep plenty of ammo because-

I am a liberal hippy.
