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Name: Final Fantasy X
ESRB: Teen
Console: Playstation 2
Genre: RPG
Average Rating: 5
Developer: Squaresoft
Publisher: Square Electronic Arts


You are Tidus. During a game of the world-famous sport Blitzball, an evil creature known as "Sin" attacks. He wakes up in the middle of the sea, near some ruins, far away his home. He's attacked by a monster, and he blacks out...

He awakens on an Al Bhed ship and is forced to help look for some type of  treasure. He recovers it, and as he returns to the ship, it's attacked by Sin as well, and yet again, he blacks out.

He awakens in the water near a beach. A man, Wakka, finds and befriends him. He shows him around and introduces him to some people.

Tidus learns that Sin is a monster that came about as a way of punishing humans for relying too much on technology. People known as summoners go on a pilgrimage to destroy Sin. Wakka is a guardian for the current summoner, and decides to bring you along, just so maybe Tidus can find someone who can help him.

Of course, this doesn't happen, so your journey to destroy Sin begins.



Linus - Rating: 8


Snoopy - Rating: 5


Woodstock - Rating: N/A


Marcie - Rating: N/A