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Name: Unreal Tournament 2003
ESRB: Mature
Console: x86 IBM-compatible
Genre: First-Person Shooter
Average Rating: 7.5
Developer: Digital Extremes
Publisher: Epic Games


You have entered a tournament for public entertainment in which you kill lots of people.



Linus - Rating: 8

There's not much to say about UT, except that the mass amount of mods and mutators are mostly what makes it great.

All by itself, UT is just another mindless first-person shooter, but it is fun. Personally, the weapons are the funnest (Funnest? That's not a word. "Most fun" sounds dumb though, so I'm sticking with "funnest".) weapons in any FPS I've ever played.

Obviously, by now, the graphics are dated. Very dated. What's with spiky butts? Don't sit down on my sofa. However, it's still bearable.

UT would get a 7 if it weren't for the wide variety of great mods and mutators out there.

In comparison to Unreal Tournament 2003, Unreal Tournament, in my opinion, is the better game. Obviously not in terms of graphics, but in the fun factor. UT2k3 always felt like Quake III to me, and I've never particularly liked Quake III... but I'm getting off track. PLAY UNREAL TOURNAMENT YOU FISHMONGERS.


Snoopy - Rating: N/A


Woodstock - Rating: 7


Marcie - Rating: N/A